Thursday, July 04, 2019

July 4 Cake Balls - A bit diffferent this time!

This is the third year I have made a cake ball flag for the 4th of July. This year we are celebrating with family instead of the neighbborhood. Just as I was about to dip 12 cakes balls in blue candy melts, I realized I should read the package very carefully. Sure enough, they were packaged in a facility where peanuts and treenuts are also packaged. So, I had to think what to do. I made this because I was sure my grandson would love it but he has an allergy to peanuts. Can't risk a peanut reaction! I took the 12 balls that would have been blue and pressed them out to make stars. I had the perfect cookie cutter. There were 24 stars. I put Graham Crackers on the tray and frosted with blue Cream cheese icing. Then I placed the first layer of stars. I put blue frosting on those and then put the 2nd star on top. I used a star tube to pipe the white frosting on the stars. 
I think it was a pretty good replacement and my grandson can have the "stars" today for his dessert! 

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